Friday, November 14, 2014

   Mass Effect... the video game that made me feel almost like I was actually a part of the in-game universe itself.

   This game trilogy is possibly the most phenomenal series I have ever played. A role playing game that heavily emphasizes choice, taking place in the year 2183, after humans have joined a galactic community of multiple alien species. The player assumes control of Commander Shepard... and who the Commander is is all up to the player.

   Shepard can be male or female, black or white, blonde or red haired. Not only can the player shape Shepherd's appearance (as can be done in most RPGs), but the player can make vital choices throughout the story, for example: Should I kill this person or let them live? Which character should I pursue a romantic relationship? Should I do things the nice way (paragon), or should I take advantage of my position of power (renegade)? 

   This not only allows the player to feel as though they really are a part of this universe, but may have positive or negative effects later in the game, or even in the trilogy as a whole. Game data from the first game can influence how the second game begins, and so on. So the player better be careful which choices they make. 

   The game begins as Shepard is sent to the planet Eden Prime on a mission to recover a Prothean beacon (Protheans are an ancient civilization known to have lived in our galaxy, but somehow went extinct). Accompanied by a turian spectre (agents given extraordinary authority) named Saren Arterius, Shepard sets down on the planet but is fired upon by Geth (synthetic beings with artificial intelligence). After losing one of his men, Shepard and Kaiden Alenko (one of Shepard's soldiers) meet Ashley Williams, a soldier stationed on Eden Prime. It is soon revealed that Saren is working with the Geth, and that he plans to take the Prothean beacon for himself. Shepard, however, is able to touch the beacon, yielding an unexpected result. 

   Shepard is granted ancient knowledge of creatures called Reapers, beings that destroyed the Protheans. Shepard reports to the Council after arriving at the Citadel, the galactic hub for all species. He/she is soon made a Spectre and tasked with the mission of tracking down the traitor, Saren.

   Shepard is soon to meet many other characters such as Garrus the turian Spec. Ops. agent, Tali the quarrian on her pilgrimage, Wrex the krogan with a bad temper. and Liara, the asari scientist who's mother happens to work for Saren.

   Shepard travels the galaxy with this team and grows to know them and get closer to them... as does the player.

   Seriously, if the choices do not make you feel as though you are truly a part of this galaxy, then the characters definitely will. You will believe that they are right there, standing next to you. By the end of Mass Effect 3, I felt as though I was saying goodbye to some very old friends. 

   Not to mention the first game having the biggest plot twist imaginable.

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